PROF-SEEDS Online Order! Buy Unique & Rare Seeds of Plants, Bulbs, Trees, Shrubs & Perennials!

About Us

Organized in 2010, our aim is to promote the study of plants, related hardy perennials and the creation of gardens and suitable habitats for all hardy plants. We encourage an exchange of ideas and activities with related plant societies and promote and support the planting and care of hardy plants in botanic and other public gardens. Membership includes individuals from across Russia, many parts of the China, Japan and overseas.

In the spring and fall we have several seedling and plant sales. There are a great number of unusual and choice plants available at very reasonable prices. Many plants would never be found in commercial nurseries.

Each year we operate a seed exchange. One of the most sought after benefits exclusive to Members, this is a unique annual offer of unusual and desirable seeds including many rare species collected in the wild. Our members collect seed in their own gardens as well as on botanizing trips. We also annual go on trips to different corners of the world and wild collected seed will come not only from Russia, but also from Europe, China, Japan. 

Temperature and humidity control are vital for the well-being of perennial seeds and each seed item is stored according to the species' need. We have a wide variety of cold storage facilities.


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